According to the club chairman, the number of active members in and around Innsbruck is difficult to estimate, but he estimates between 50 and 100 people. The Alpine Jitterbugs do their best to spread the enthusiasm for swing among the people. Among other things, they offer courses at the Sports Institute of the University of Innsbruck, where interested people on a tight budget are offered a low-threshold introduction. Numerous courses, workshops and events are also organized and held outside the USI.
The voluntary association is constantly looking for new collaboration partners to launch new projects for the local scene. The latest venture, which was also subsidized by the City of Innsbruck and the Province of Tyrol for the first time, is called "Big Fat Swing - Promoting the local swing culture". The project was launched in collaboration with the well-established jazz club Ton Art Tirol and aims to bring together jazz musicians and swing dancers.