It is the best-known Christmas story, I would argue, in the world. Adapted in countless versions for the stage, film and television, as an animated film, as a puppet show , "A Christmas Story" has been a source of inspiration for Charles Dickens for over 170 years. Now as a Musical "Scrooge" in Telfs!
Bah! Humbug!
In 1843, the author published Charles Dickens „A Christmas Carol“as the story is called in the original English version. It is set in Victorian England and revolves around the moneylender and misanthrope Ebenezer Scrooge. An unsympathetic contemporary who despises and exploits people. Scrooge has no heart and no soul. His only passion is money, of which he can never have enough.
Marc Hess (center) is the initiator and artistic director of the musical "Scrooge" in the Rathaussaal Telfs. Photo: Mathias Brabetz Photography
Dickens' Christmas story as a musical in Telfs; Photo: Mathias Brabetz Photography
Ebenezer Scrooge (Bernhard J. Lang) doesn't give a damn about the Christmas thoughts of Cratchit (Dieter Seelos) and Fred (Benedikt Grawe). Photo: Mathias Brabetz Photography
As if that were not enough, the miser despises Christmas: „Bah! Humbug!”, he shouts again and again, he doesn't give a damn about the idea of Christmas, about charity. He knows no pity or compassion for people who are not (so) well off. His "counterpart" is Scrooge's employee, the kind-hearted Bob Cratchit. Poor as a church mouse, he can do little at home - except love and care for his sick son Tim. Needless to say, every child knows the story ..
Scroogethe musical
Frightening: Thomas Lackner as Marley, who appears to Scrooge as a ghost. Photo: Mathias Brabetz Photography
Back: The Ghost of Christmas Past (Verena Mumelter-Redolfi) lets Scrooges look into his own past. Photo: Mathias Brabetz Photography
... and I love them! I've watched it over and over again, in every possible version. When it was announced that "Scrooge" would be staged as a musical in Telfs at Christmas time, I was thrilled. Plus a Victorian market on Eduard-Wallnöfer-Platz - I had to go! I wasn't alone in thinking this: „Scrooge“ was sold out weeks before the premiere, but I managed to get two more, thanks to Innsbruck Tourismus and the market town Telfs! For all those who are now a little disappointed, here's a tip: „Scrooge“ will be performed again in December 2025, tickets are already available. Perhaps a Christmas present?
Together instead of alone
Initiator Marc Hess has succeeded in putting together a coherent overall project. In addition to the municipality of Telfs (as the organizer), he brought a number of institutions and associations on board, who worked (and continue to work) actively in front of and behind the scenes, not least in the implementation of the Victorian Christmas market.
Charles Dickens' "A Christmas Story" harmoniously brought to the stage as a musical in Telfs. Photo: Mathias Brabetz Photography
Dickens' story naturally works wonderfully as a musical. Entertaining, exciting and touchingly staged, the 90 minutes fly by. The portrayal of those involved is convincing, above all of course Bernhard E. Lang as Ebenezer Scrooge, Dieter Seelos as Bob Cratchit and - scary good - as the ghost of Thomas Lackner as the ghost of Marley, the deceased companion of Scrooge. When he enters the auditorium rattling his chains, it's not just the little ones who open their eyes.
Applause, applause
Unfortunately, not everyone who appears in the musical can be named, so here is a summary: From the band around Ewald Brandstätter and Frajo Köhle to the smallest role, everyone performed with great esprit and dedication.
It should not go unmentioned that one scene is spiced with local color, which of course makes the people of Telfern laugh and applaud in between - which one will not be revealed. Just this much: at the premiere, Mayor Christian Härting was on stage as a gravedigger with a shovel! More celebrities will follow.
Stop the thief!
"Scrooge" puts you in the Christmas spirit and opens your heart to the Christmas spirit, which this production carries within it thanks to the numerous participants and cooperation partners, as Marc Hess emphasized at the end of the premiere. This also includes the Christmas market, which is of course dedicated to the Victorian era. All the stall holders stand in their "boxes" in matching attire and Victorian "ghosts" can be spotted in the crowd time and again, some of whom deliverscenes fit for a movie. On the opening night, for example, law enforcers pursued petty thieves, a boy shined the shoes of the strollers and interpreted the „Carol Singers“ christmas songs.
Stop them! Law enforcement officers engage in a chase with petty thieves at the Victorian Market.
Among the numerous initiatives represented at the Victorian Market by the Telfs social and health care district
Gin from our own manufactory - presented in proper style by Robert Rudler from Zirl
Korinna and Nadine from the restaurant Coco Loco serve puff pastry with two kinds of cabbage or cranberries.
As a fan of Charles Dickens' "Christmas Story", I can only say: a coherent overall package. The coup was a success!
To conclude, here's another tip: get your tickets for 2025 and put them under the Christmas tree!
Tamara Gritsch from Pfaffenhofen sells slippers, mugs, drinking bottles, hip flasks and much more under the "kinlepats" logo.
Information about the Musical Scrooge and the 2024 schedule can be found on this website.
Market town of Telfs
Local marketing
Untermarktstraße 5+7
6410 Telfs
E-Mail: [email protected]
Phone: +43 5262 6961
Ticket sales: at oeticket.com, at the Bürgerservice Telfs and at the SportZentrum Telfs
Photos, unless otherwise stated: © Susanne Gurschler
Fancy even more Christmas spirit: click here and here for more great Advent markets.
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