Innsbruck Region


 >  Theatre play: All my spirits

Theatre play: All my spirits

This time, BogenTheater takes on this comedy by German author Rolf Kindler and transports the audience to a magnificent - perhaps a little outdated - castle. There, the traditional ancestors' day for the Countess of Wetzelstein is staged annually by her servants, but this time complications are imminent...

Event address

BogenTheater, Viaduktbogen 32, 6020 Innsbruck

Booking address

BogenTheater , Viaduktbogen 32 , 6020  Innsbruck
Date: Sat, 26.10.2024
Begin: 08.00 pm

Additional event days:

Date: Sat, 26.10.2024
Begin: 08.00 pm
Date: Wed, 20.11.2024
Begin: 08.00 pm
Date: Sat, 30.11.2024
Begin: 08.00 pm
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