Nine-pin Bowling at Telfs Sportzentrum
Info and opening hours
Sport- und Veranstaltungszentren Telfs
Franz-Rimml-Straße 4 , 6410 Telfs
Reservation weekdays:
Telephone: 0 52 62 / 67 875
Monday - Thursday: 8.00 am - 5.00 pm
Friday: 8.00 am - 12.00 am
Reservations outside office hours: Restaurant "Rico's"
Telephone: 0 52 62 / 63 466
Monday - Saturday: 10.00 am - 10.00 pm
Learn more:
On the first floor of the sports centre in Telfs, you'll find a modern nine-pin bowling alley with four lanes. Enjoy international and regional classics at the 'Rico´s' restaurant next door.