Hochfeldern Alm alpine hut
Info and opening hours
Obermieming 230 , 6414 Mieming
End of May - beginning of October open daily
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The Hochfeldern Alm is prime example of alpine charm. The friendly and welcoming mountain hut is located 1,732 metres above sea level, where the rugged mountain landscape seems close enough to touch. The sun terrace provides stunning views of the Mieming Range and the Karwendel mountains – a sight that soothes the soul. And the Hochfeldern Alm also nourishes the body with refreshing drinks and hearty alpine delicacies.
The hut is easy to access via a lift from the village of Ehrwald followed by a 45 minute hike. For anyone planning on a longer tour, the town of Leutasch is the ideal starting point. The hike from Leutasch takes three and a half hours and the route is also suitable for mountain bikers.
The Hochfeldern Alm also offers accommodation for up to 20 guests. Visitors are asked to please book in advance by phone.