Innsbruck Region


 > Sportler Alpin

Sportler Alpin

Info and opening hours


Maria-Theresien-Straße 39 , 6020 Innsbruck

+43 512 / 58 91 44

[email protected]

Monday - Friday: 9.00 am - 6.30 pm
Saturday: 9.00 am - 6.00 pm

Learn more:

With its 2,000 square metres, the SPORTLER Alpine Flagship Store is Tyrol's largest mountain sports store. These are the focus worlds: Hiking, climbing, ice climbing, ski touring, travelling, camping. We are talking about 120 years of sports history in Innsbruck. SPORTLER took over the Sport Witting sports shop more than 20 years ago. And the success story continues. With top employees, expert advice and competent service. The new shop-in-shop concept should also be emphasised, including Austria's first Patagonia shop in the new Alpine flagship store.

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