Innsbruck Region


 > Wollbeller Hof - Self-service farm shop

Wollbeller Hof - Self-service farm shop

Info and opening hours

Wollbeller Hof

Wollbell 7 , 6094 Axams-Omes

+43 664 / 45 58 779

[email protected]

Open daily - entry around the clock - from early morning to midnight

Learn more:

Farm shop in the Axams/Omes district. Our slogan:

Finest processed meat and sausages and eggs from the farm's own animals and those kept outdoors (deer, pigs, chicken and turkey) as well as potatoes, lettuce and vegetables from our own field, delicious homemade chutney, dumplings, syrup, honey products and much more.

Also: organic honey, fresh milk and fruit from other regional producers. Every first Saturday of the month, from April to September, all products are offered at the Axamer farmers' market.

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