Innsbruck Region


Churches and monasteries

 > Wallfahrtskirche Hl. Quirin

Wallfahrtskirche Hl. Quirin

Rothenbrunn 2, 6181  Sellrain
+43 5230 / 266

Opening Hours

This small late Gothic church is located on a steep mountainside at an altitude of 1,243 metres above sea level. It is situated in the St. Quirin district and offers wonderful views. The church is the oldest church in the Sellrain Valley and was first documented in 1391 when it was described as “long standing”. The Gothic structure built in the 15th century was renovated in 1848 and restored in the 20th century. The church organ, which was built by Mathias Weber and his sons in 1848, is still fully functioning and was restored in 2001.

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