Easter grave Oberperfuss
Herrn Mag. Dr. Dariusz Hrynyszyn
Riedl 35, 6173 Oberperfuss
+43 5232 / 81 459
Opening Hours
From Maundy Thursday to Easter Monday.
8.00 am - 8. pm
Every year on Maundy Thursday, the Easter Tomb is set up in the parish church of Oberperfuss. The upper left side altar is covered with purple cloths and the closed 1.5 m long and 80 cm wide Easter tomb is framed with coloured glass balls below. The entombment takes place at the Good Friday liturgy. In the late afternoon of Holy Saturday, the cloths are taken down for the solemn Easter Vigil with procession of lights, and the altarpiece of Mary Immaculata is seen, flanked on the left by St Isidore, on the right by St Notburga and in the excerpt by St Michael. In the lower part of the altar is the open Easter tomb, beautifully decorated with the body of Christ.