Innsbruck Region


Ski touring recommendations

This page will give you some ideas for ski tours in the region of Innsbruck. A great way to get a wonderful insight into the wonders of winter, especially under good conditions. These are, of course, only suggestions, as the final responsibility lies with the tourer to inform him or herself about current conditions before setting out.

Ski touring is a sport in which the risks should never be underestimated. We cannot accept any responsibility for snow conditions, avalanche risks and other outside influences. Every ski tourer is responsible for their own adequate avalanche protection and should check all current conditions with Tyrol's Avalanche Warning Service.


Patscherkofel mountain lift station – Patscherkofel summit – Innsbruck Region
Patscherkofel mountain lift station – Patscherkofel summit
Altitude up
Max altitude
2255 METER
Walking time uphill
1H 30MIN
Max. route length
3 KM
Starting point
Patscherkofelbahn Bergstation
Patscherkofel Gipfel
accessible by public transport
GPX DownloadRoute to start

On-piste ski tour

This is a great ski tour for beginners that leads from the top of Patscherkofelbahn lift, past the "Schutzhaus" mountain refuge and up to the summit. The route follows a forest road with wonderful views. It is quite easy to master and does not include any steep sections. 

The tour can be combined with a ride up the mountain on the Patscherkofelbahn lift.

Opening times for on-piste ski tourers and snowshoers:

Daily from 9 am to 6 pm

Thursdays from 9 am to 10 pm

The pistes are closed for ski touring at all other times. Additional piste closures may occur and must be observed at all times.

Important information for on-piste ski touring

(Source: Kuratorium für alpine Sicherheit)


The ski pistes are primarily available for cable car and lift users. To avoid accidents and conflicts, we ask you to observe the following recommendations in addition to adhering to the FIS rules:

1. Observe warnings and local regulations

2. Observe piste closures when a piste or a section of a piste is closed. Dangerous and life-threatening situations may occur when piste machinery is in use, especially cable winches, etc. Pistes may, therefore, be closed for safety reasons for the duration of the work.

3. Only tour up the edge of the piste and in single file.

4. Only cross the piste at points where you are clearly visible and leave plenty of space between one another.

5. Only ski down the edge of freshly prepared pistes. Tracks that freeze overnight can severely affect the quality of the piste.

6. Leave the piste before 6 pm or before 10 pm on Thursdays.

7. Be visible. If it is dark or in the case of poor visibility, wear a head torch, reflective clothing, etc.

8. If there are pistes specifically designated for on-piste ski touring, only use these pistes.

9. Do not take dogs on the pistes.

10. Use the designated car parking areas and pay any applicable parking fees.

Arrival, public transport

Bus Linie J - bus stop Patscherkofel

In the surrounding area

Click and drag to zoom

Elevation profile


High pressure is continuing to build across the region, but before the sun can do its work it has to chase away the last clouds. Bright weather will break through before midday.


The next few days will bring nice and dry weather with a few bands of clouds passing over our region at times.

Temperatures will be mild.



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