Paseo de marcha nórdica - Región Innsbruck
Paseo de marcha nórdica
Tiempo de subida
1H 15MIN
Driving time uphill
1H 15MIN
Driving time downhill
1.25 H
Driving time uphill
1.25 H
Driving time total
1.25 H
Metros de altura en descenso
75 metros
Metros de altura en ascenso
34 metros
Longitud máxima de la ruta
3.7 KM
Punto de salida
4346>Winterwandern;4292>Wandern;4293>Wanderweg/-e;4324>Für Nordic Walker
GPX DownloadCómo llegarFácil y cómoda ruta de marcha nórdica por los campos de Götzens con grandes vistas sobre las montañas.
Elevation profile
Bands of clouds have slowly spread over our country on Wednesday. On Thursday, they will be equally slow to move out of our region! It is only around midday that the sun will gain the upper hand.
For the next few days, the weather will remain fantastic. On Monday and Tuesday at the earliest, foehn winds will pick up and remind us that they have their peak season now in autumn, according to meteorological records.