Innsbruck Region


 >  Opening of the exhibition ‘Stones between the fronts’

Opening of the exhibition ‘Stones between the fronts’

The multimedia project by Melanie Hollaus and Christoph Lammerhuber takes an artistic look at the memorial sites of the anti-fascist resistance in the former Yugoslavia - the more than 200 ‘spomeniks’ (monuments) that were erected during Tito's reign. Honoured at the time as unifying and uniting the people, many of these ‘stone witnesses’ are now neglected or destroyed and thus unintentionally tell the complex story of ideologically, politically, religiously and ethnically motivated conflicts in the Balkans. In 2023, Hollaus and Lammerhuber brought selected monuments to Vienna in the form of an augmented reality exhibition. Building on this, fifteen of these surrealist monuments will be brought to life in aut in their uniqueness and with all their ambivalent attributions in the form of multi-channel video installations, a 3D object as augmented reality as well as photographs and drone flights by Günter Richard Wett. An exhibition by aut. architektur und tirol

Gebeurtenis Adres

aut. architektur und tirol, Lois Welzenbacher Platz 1, 6020 Innsbruck
Datum: do, 06.02.2025

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