Gasthof Gruberwirt
Infos en openingstijden
Gasthof Gruberwirt
Neu- Götzner- Straße 49 , 6091 Götzens
Woensdag - Vrijdag
Lunch: 11.00 – 14.00 uur
Diner: 18.00 – 22.00 uur
Zaterdag, zondag en feestdagen
De hele dag geopend van 11.00 – 22.00 uur
Maandag en dinsdag gesloten!
Ervaar meer:
The inn "Gruberwirt" is at the outskirts of Götzens' , in the open countyside. We offer you a lot of comfort: restaurant (traditional and international cuisine), bar, ... Hot food : 11.30am - 01.30pm + 5.30pm - 09.00 pm If you want to stay at our inn, we have: single rooms, double rooms, appartments. Everything with a lot of comfort!