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Weak weather fronts with thundery air masses are approaching from France. It will not be able to keep them away completely and this is why clouds will form around midday after a bright morning and produce thunderstorms and showers in the evening.


The area of low pressure that is building over Central Europe today will also affect our weather here, unfortunately. It will not bring continuous rain, but very changeable weather conditions with only short sunny spells and showers or thunderstorms.





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Oficina de turismo Innsbruck

lun - vie: 8.00 - 17.00 horas

Reserva para hoteles y grupos

lun - vie: 9.00 - 17.00 horas

Información turística

lun - ven: 9.00 - 17.00 horas


Weak weather fronts with thundery air masses are approaching from France. It will not be able to keep them away completely and this is why clouds will form around midday after a bright morning and produce thunderstorms and showers in the evening.


The area of low pressure that is building over Central Europe today will also affect our weather here, unfortunately. It will not bring continuous rain, but very changeable weather conditions with only short sunny spells and showers or thunderstorms.





¿Podemos ayudarle? Contacte con nosotros.

Oficina de turismo Innsbruck

lun - vie: 8.00 - 17.00 horas

Reserva para hoteles y grupos

lun - vie: 9.00 - 17.00 horas

Información turística

lun - ven: 9.00 - 17.00 horas

Servicio de alerta de aludes

Máxima seguridad en la nieve con las informaciones del servicio de aviso de aludes de Tirol

El esquí de montaña y el freeride exigen un alto grado de responsabilidad propia. Para máxima seguridad, cada uno asume el compromiso y es responsable de saber valorar las circunstancias meteorológicas y del terreno, y de llevar el material adecuado para afrontar posibles situaciones de peligro de aludes. Para ello, es imprescindible consultar la página del servicio de aviso de aludes antes de iniciar una ruta de esquí de montaña o practicar el freeride para informarse sobre la previsión del tiempo, las características y las cantidades de nieve, etc.

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