Innsbruck Region


 > Garage FoRum Veranstaltungszentrum Rum

Garage FoRum Veranstaltungszentrum Rum

Información y horarios de apertura

Marktgemeinde Rum

Rathausplatz 1 , 6063 Rum

+43 512 / 24 511

[email protected]

Horario de apertura: 24 oras

Más información:

There are 81 parking spaces in the underground car park of the FORUM event centre. Two minutes' walk away, another 28 parking spaces are available in an open-air car park.

FoRum Garage - 81 parking spaces
Daily rates (7.30 am - 6.30 pm)
1st hour FREE
Each additional half hour or part thereof € 1,- (maximum € 9,-)

Evening rate (6.30 pm - 7.30 am)
Flat rate € 3,-

Car park cemetery Rum - 28 parking spaces
Short-term parking zone with parking meter
Maximum parking time 2 hours
Weekdays 7.00 am - 6.00 pm

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