Innsbruck Region


 > Tirolini - Cucina & Bar

Tirolini - Cucina & Bar

Información y horarios de apertura

Tirolini - Cucina & Bar

Obermarktstraße 2a , 6410 Telfs

+43 5262 / 67 774

[email protected]

Martes - sábado 8.00 - 22.00 horas
Comidas calientes 11.30 - 13.30 horas y 17.30 - 21.30 horas
Día(s) libre(s): lunes, domingo, festivos

Más información:

Enjoy Italian pizza from stone oven or various Italian pasta dishes. In the evening, the former Stadtcafé is a popular meeting point for after-work drinks in a convivial atmosphere.

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