Innsbruck Region


Tour a tema

Andate alla scoperta di Innsbruck con diverse visite guidate speciali. Seguite le Visite guidate della città in costumi storici in luoghi e località ricchi di storia. Scoprite fatti interessanti, curiosi e divertenti che risalgono ai secoli.
 > Jewish Innsbruck

Jewish Innsbruck

Alexandra und Luc Danninger-Baesens
Tauegert 28, 6181  Sellrain
+43 664 / 38 23 097
[email protected]

Orari di apertura

Walk in the footsteps of Jewish life in Innsbruck. The guided city walk traces the history of Jewish life, starting with the early beginnings in the middle ages, the Shoah up to present day. A very chequered history in which times of tolerance alternate with times of persecution and expulsion.

The tour takes you to well-known but also unknown places in the city centre of Innsbruck, which bear witness to the life and fate of the Jewish population. The changing history of the Jews is traced on the basis of buildings, squares, memorials and commemorative plaques, but also on the basis of individual fates.

The tour will cover the memorial sites in the city centre of Innsbruck and places that are related to Jewish life: Memorial at the clinic area - pogrom monument at Eduard-Wallnöfer-Platz - Kaufhaus Tyrol (former department store Bauer & Schwarz) - Synagogue on Sillgasse etc.

Dates and meeting point: by arrangement
Languages: German, English, French and Dutch.
Price on request

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