Crankworx Innsbruck

Cuando este año, por octava vez, el Crankworx convierta el Bikepark de Innsbruck en el patio de recreo de la élite internacional de la bicicleta de montaña, la acción y el ambiente festivo estarán garantizados. Por primera vez, el programa incluye la competición femenina de slopestyle. Las mejores ciclistas mostrarán sus trucos y saltos sobre obstáculos de más de un metro de altura. Además de las impresionantes pruebas profesionales, le esperan una gran variedad de eventos paralelos, un programa infantil repleto de acción, la Bike Expo con las últimas tendencias del sector y las legendarias fiestas posteriores.

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Crankworx Innsbruck: Thule Official European Whip-Off Championships

Mutters, Bikepark Innsbruck/Speichersee

Crankworx Innsbruck

Fasten your seatbelt - For the eighth time, it's time to ride high. This year, the Crankworx World Tour will once again be stopping off at some of the…

Fecha: 13.06.2024
Inicio: 18.30 horas

Crankworx Innsbruck: Speed & Style

Mutters, Bikepark Innsbruck

Crankworx Innsbruck

Fasten your seatbelt - For the eighth time, it's time to ride high. This year, the Crankworx World Tour will once again be stopping off at some of the…

Fecha: 14.06.2024
Inicio: 17.30 horas

Crankworx Innsbruck: Thule Slopestyle Innsbruck

Mutters, Bikepark Innsbruck

Crankworx Innsbruck

Fasten your seatbelt - For the eighth time, it's time to ride high. This year, the Crankworx World Tour will once again be stopping off at some of the…

Fecha: 15.06.2024
Inicio: 11.30 horas

Crankworx Innsbruck: Pump Track Challenge Innsbruck presented by Raiffeisen Club

Mutters, Bikepark Innsbruck

Crankworx Innsbruck

Fasten your seatbelt - For the eighth time, it's time to ride high. This year, the Crankworx World Tour will once again be stopping off at some of the…

Fecha: 15.06.2024
Inicio: 18.30 horas

Crankworx Innsbruck: Specialized Dual Slalom Innsbruck

Mutters, Bikepark Innsbruck

Crankworx Innsbruck

Fasten your seatbelt - For the eighth time, it's time to ride high. This year, the Crankworx World Tour will once again be stopping off at some of the…

Fecha: 16.06.2024
Inicio: 17.30 horas

Crankworx 2023 Recap

Crankworx 2022 Recap

Crankworx Returns to Bikepark Innsbruck in June 2022!

Teaser Crankworx 2021

Crankworx Innsbruck

The winning runs from Innsbruck Slopestyle 2019

Crankworx World Tour 2019

Crankworx World Tour 2019 - The Ultimate Experience in Mountain Biking

2017 Innsbruck Highlights

Crankworx 2022

Crankworx 2023 Recap

Crankworx 2022 Recap

Crankworx Returns to Bikepark Innsbruck in June 2022!

Teaser Crankworx 2021

Crankworx Innsbruck

The winning runs from Innsbruck Slopestyle 2019

Crankworx World Tour 2019

Crankworx World Tour 2019 - The Ultimate Experience in Mountain Biking

2017 Innsbruck Highlights

Crankworx 2022

La región de Innsbruck es fácilmente accesible en tren, avión o coche. Aquí encontrará información útil para su viaje, aparcamiento y transporte público.

Weather for morning
Sol: 80%
Weather for afternoon
Sol: 60%
Weather for Monday
Sol: 70%
Weather for Tuesday
Sol: 40%
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Innsbruck Tourismus
lunes - viernes: 9.00 - 17.00 horas
Innsbruck Incoming
lunes - jueves: 9.00 - 17.00 horas
viernes: 9.00 - 14.30 horas
Tourismus Information, Ticket Service
lunes - sábado: 9.00 - 18.00 horas
domingo: 9.00 - 18.00 horas
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