Innsbruck Region


Innsbruck Nature Film Festival

Como uno de los festivales de cine de naturaleza más reputados del mundo, el Festival de Cine de Naturaleza de Innsbruck despliega la alfombra «verde» en el cine Metropol y proyecta 65 extraordinarias películas sobre la naturaleza, el clima y el medio ambiente. Bajo el lema de este año «Todos somos uno», el festival crea durante cinco días un espacio para reflexionar, trabajar juntos y celebrar. Además de películas espectaculares, nos esperan apasionantes debates y experiencias en el cine y al aire libre.


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INFF - Innsbruck Nature Filmfestival 2024

Innsbruck, Metropol Kino

Innsbruck Nature Film Festival

The innsbruck nature film festival (inff) will take place this year from October 9th to 13th, marking its 23rd edition. Under the powerful motto "W"…

Fecha: 09.10.2024
Inicio: 09.00 horas

INFF - Innsbruck Nature Filmfestival 2024

Innsbruck, Metropol Kino

Innsbruck Nature Film Festival

The innsbruck nature film festival (inff) will take place this year from October 9th to 13th, marking its 23rd edition. Under the powerful motto "W"…

Fecha: 10.10.2024
Inicio: 09.00 horas

INFF - Innsbruck Nature Filmfestival 2024

Innsbruck, Metropol Kino

Innsbruck Nature Film Festival

The innsbruck nature film festival (inff) will take place this year from October 9th to 13th, marking its 23rd edition. Under the powerful motto "W"…

Fecha: 11.10.2024
Inicio: 09.00 horas

INFF - Innsbruck Nature Filmfestival 2024

Innsbruck, Metropol Kino

Innsbruck Nature Film Festival

The innsbruck nature film festival (inff) will take place this year from October 9th to 13th, marking its 23rd edition. Under the powerful motto "W"…

Fecha: 12.10.2024
Inicio: 09.00 horas

INFF - Innsbruck Nature Filmfestival 2024

Innsbruck, Metropol Kino

Innsbruck Nature Film Festival

The innsbruck nature film festival (inff) will take place this year from October 9th to 13th, marking its 23rd edition. Under the powerful motto "W"…

Fecha: 13.10.2024
Inicio: 09.00 horas
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