Innsbruck Region


Tour a tema

Andate alla scoperta di Innsbruck con diverse visite guidate speciali. Seguite le Visite guidate della città in costumi storici in luoghi e località ricchi di storia. Scoprite fatti interessanti, curiosi e divertenti che risalgono ai secoli.
 > Glamour & poverty – daily life around 1500 AD

Glamour & poverty – daily life around 1500 AD

Per Pedes Stadtführungen
Frau Dr. Frenzel
6020  Innsbruck
+43 664 / 43 39 419

Orari di apertura

Emperor Maximilian I and his two wives, Maria von Burgund and Bianca Maria Sforza, give an insight into the extravagance of courtly life while a blabbermouth and a bathhouse prostitute describe the daily difficulties they had to overcome. The tour takes participants on an entertaining journey to the year 1500 when Innsbruck was the centre of the Habsburg Empire. Experience exciting history up close. Actors all wear authentic period costumes. Costume tour, duration: 60 minutes, available for groups only, price on request.

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