Innsbruck Region


 > Pizzeria Va Bene - Telfspark

Pizzeria Va Bene - Telfspark

Información y horarios de apertura

Pizzeria Va Bene - Telfspark

Michael-Seeber-Straße 3 , 6410 Telfs

+43 5262 / 61 549

[email protected]

Lunes - sábado 9.00 - 22.00 horas; cocina caliente 11.00 - 20.30 horas
Domingo, festivos cerrado

Más información:

Enjoy typical Italian but also traditional cuisine in the middle of the specialized market center telfsPARK. The restaurant extends over two floors, the upper floor with about 30 seats is for non-smokers. The lower section offers about 50 seats and is therefore also suitable for larger groups.

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