For those who feel like spending a few hours at an exhibition, here is a selection of temporary exhibitions that can be visited in Innsbruck. I have specially chosen four very different exhibitions, including art restoration, Roman history in Tyrol, and contemporary art. Enjoy your visit!
„Im Detail“: the world of restoration at the Ferdinandeum
The temporary exhibition „Im Detail“ is spread over two floors of the historic building of the regional museum Ferdinandeum. The exhibition focuses on the world of conservation and restoration. In fact, the museum department that deals precisely with the "well-being" of works of art and the many objects in regional collections has curated this exhibition, highlighting the many, often unknown aspects of this work.
What are the factors that damage works, what are the materials and techniques of restoration? The variety of objects on display leads us to reflect how each material-paper, fabric, paint, stone, metal, plastics and so on-needs different attention and procedures for restoration and conservation. On display during the week you can also see two female restoration students at work.
Im Detail. Die Welt der Konservierung und Restaurierung
Through 6/25/2023
Tiroler Landesmuseum Ferdinandeum
Museumstraße 15, Innsbruck
Hours: Tuesday to Sunday, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Admission to Ferdinandeum and the exhibition „Im Detail“: free up to 19 years old, full 12 Euro, reduced 9 Euro
A restorer at work in the „Im Detail“ exhibition at Ferdinandeum in Innsbruck, Photo © Wolfgang Lackner
„geld macht geschichte“: Roman history told through coins
A temporary exhibition curated by the archaeology department of the Tyrolean Regional Museums is open at the Arsenal Museum in Innsbruck until Oct. 8. On display are archaeological finds from the historical Tyrol (the territory of North Tyrol, South Tyrol and Trentino) during the period of Roman rule. What can coins tell you? Much more than you might think! Coins were not only an instrument of payment, but also a means of propaganda for the emperors and played an important role in religion and the cult of the dead.
In the exhibition we find out among other things how they were minted, how the Roman monetary system worked and what the purchasing power was at that time. And also that money was forged even in Roman times, that the piggy bank already existed, and that the dead were buried with a coin for the ferryman of souls Charon.
geld macht geschichte. Römische Münzen erzählen
through 8.10.2023
Museum im Zeughaus
Zeughausgasse 1, Innsbruck
Hours: Tuesday through Sunday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Free admission
(The Arsenal Museum's permanent collection is being refurbished and therefore cannot be visited)
The entrance to the „geld macht geschichte“ exhibition at the Innsbruck Arsenal Museum, Photo © Maria Kirchner
A glimpse of the „geld macht geschichte“ exhibition at the Innsbruck Arsenal Museum, Photo © Maria Kirchner
„Ecologies of care“: contemporary women artists in exhibition
Tiroler Künstler:innenschaft, the association of Tyrolean women artists, recently opened a new group exhibition at two locations in downtown Innsbruck. The exhibition is open until April 15 and has been curated by Sabine Gamper, who chose 21 women artists from among the association's members.
Shown under the title „Ecologies of care“ are works that recognize care as a powerful social and cultural force, starting with an awareness of the new contemporary urgencies of the ethics of solidarity and care, in the face of ongoing migration flows, in the face of social and political crises, the looming climate catastrophe and the intertwined fates of the human and nonhuman worlds.
Between the two exhibition venues - the Neue Galerie and the Kunstpavillon - there is a walking distance of less than five minutes.
Ecologies of care. Weaving patterns for a care-full future
through 4/15/2023
Free admission
Kunstpavillon, Rennweg 8a, Innsbruck
Hours: Wednesday through Friday 12 to 6 p.m., Saturday 11 a.m. to 3 p.m
Neue Galerie, Rennweg 1, Innsbruck
entrance through the Hofburg gateway on Rennweg
Hours: Wednesday to Friday 12 noon to 5 p.m., Saturday 11 a.m. to 3 p.m
Thomas Medicus and the look on the surfaces
A solo exhibition of Austrian artist Thomas Medicus is open until April 1 at the Plattform 6020 exhibition space in Innsbruck. The gallery is located on the ground floor of the ultra-modern Innsbruck City Library building. On display are three-dimensional works in glass and concrete and graphic works and drawings, which dialogue with each other. As the title of this solo exhibition - „Below the surface is another surface“ - declares, the artist places surfaces and how far the gaze or knowledge can go or only succeed in reaching a "deeper" surface at the center of his reflection.
After visiting the exhibition, you can take a walk in the nearby Rapoldipark, where the sculpture „Human Animal Binary“ by the same artist is on display until the end of 2023.
Below the surface is another surface - Solo exhibition of Thomas Medicus
Plattform 6020
Stadtbibliothek Innsbruck, Amraser Straße 2, Innsbruck
Monday and Tuesday from 2 to 7 p.m.
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Saturday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
free admission
Sculpture „Human Animal Binary“ by Thomas Medicus
Körnerstraße, Innsbruck
always open and free admission
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A visual artist from Milan who not only works with brushes and canvases but also loves writing about art, culture, music, design and creativity.
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