Innsbruck Region


Charging the e-bike battery

Battery empty: This raises the question of where you can recharge your e-bike. This page provides the answer: find the nearest charging facility here and get your bike ready for use again with our "charging stations".
 > Sistranser Alm e-bike charging station

Sistranser Alm e-bike charging station

Sistranser Alm
Herrn Seitelberger
Almweg 1, 6073  Sistrans
+43 676 / 92 74 233
[email protected]

Opening Hours

May - 26 October

Charging stations for Bosch, Shimano and Yamaha. The charging station is operational on days when the hut is closed during high season, but not when the Sistranser Alm is closed during the mid-seasons.

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