Innsbruck Region


 > Llama hike

Llama hike

Info and opening hours

Gasthof-Pension Aschlandhof

Aschland 117 , 6416 Obsteig

+43 5264 / 82 45

[email protected]

on request

Learn more:

Enjoy a hike on the Mieming Plateau accompanied by the most charming hiking companion in the region. During a llama hike, you are out and about with one or more of these tame animals. An ideal experience for the whole family. Llamas are peaceful and particularly popular with children. When hiking with llamas, you are on foot the whole time – it is not possible to ride on the animals' backs. Together, you explore the surrounding nature and are sure to have a few fun experiences along the way. For example, if the llamas fancy a little snack, they may start happily munching on branches and plants by the edge of the path. You'll be told the trick for getting them moving again during a short introduction at the beginning of the hike.

This easy guided hike with an animal friend takes from 1-1.5 hours and leads around Aschland and Holzleiten on the idyllic Mieming Plateau. Llama hikes are possible all year round. Whether you are planning a winter hike, a spring stroll, a summer walk or an autumn excursion.

Price: €30.00 per llama | hike only takes place with at minimum 3 llamas!
Appointments only by arrangement!

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