Innsbruck Region


 > Coworking Space Kematen

Coworking Space Kematen

Info and opening hours

MIMM engineers GmbH

Dr. Helmut-Marsoner-Weg 3 c , 6175 Kematen in Tirol

+43 650 / 64 66 263

[email protected]

Day pass: 8.00 am - 6.00 pm

Learn more:

MIMM engineers GmbH" in Kematen offers a coworking space on 180 m2.
The 12 workstations are equipped with LAN, table, chair and roll containers.
Likewise, the separated lounge with balcony offers a perfect environment to relax and exchange ideas.
The train station is only a few minutes away, alternatively a parking lot can be booked.
The office is powered exclusively by sustainable forms of energy, such as photovoltaics and geothermal energy.
There is the possibility to book a 1-day pass or for a whole month.

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