Innsbruck Region



Hike with the family, as a couple or alone, short or long, to the summit or on the flat. Search out the correct route for you around Innsbruck. The filter below is here to help. Choose the length of walk, the difficulty level, duration and much more. The results will then deliver tailor-made hiking tips for your holiday.

The Adlerweg (Eagle's Way) stage 14: Innsbruck – Solsteinhaus – Innsbruck Region
The Adlerweg (Eagle's Way) stage 14: Innsbruck – Solsteinhaus
Altitude up
Altitude down
Max altitude
1805 METER
Max. route length
7 KM
Walking time uphill
Starting point
Road quality
Climb, forest road
GPX DownloadRoute to start

This stage starts by taking the Karwendel railway from Innsbruck to Hochzirl train station and then continuing on foot from there to the Solsteinhaus mountain hut. 

From the train station, follow the signs to "Solsteinhaus".

A good path takes you north of the tracks and straight into the dense forest. After a short distance, this path joins a cart track, which follows a very steep course straight uphill. This soon merges left to join the route from the Hochzirl hospital and continues steeply up through the forest, heading north-east.


After crossing the small stream that flows down from Brunnenschrofen, you come to a short stretch of almost level or only gently climbing terrain. The route now almost resembles a road, but soon leads steeply uphill again.

At an altitude of around 1,350 metres above sea level, you come to a wide forest road, which takes you further uphill and passes above a small ravine. After passing a stream, you come to a trail that leads up through the thinning forest and mountain pines to the open alpine pastures around the lovely Solnalm mountain hut. From there, you get your first glimpse of your destination and the end of this stage, the Solsteinhaus mountain hut.

The route continues to the right of the Solnalm and heads north along the valley towards Hollkar mountain, passing a few scree gullies along the way. The trail then crosses the foothills of the Hollkar and a stream before finally leading gently uphill through mountain pines to the Erlsattel saddle and the comfortable Solsteinhaus mountain hut (1,805 metres).

Arrival, public transport

The Karwendel railway

In the surrounding area

Click and drag to zoom

Elevation profile


A strong area of high pressure is situated over Central Europe and keeps dominating our weather scene. We can look forward to a magnificent day; it will be fair to cloudless, dry and warm.


On Saturday this beautiful weather will stay with us. On Sunday thunderstorms will form.

A new area of high pressure will follow on Monday. The weather will be sunny and warm again.



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