Innsbruck Region


 > Das Schindler

Das Schindler

Info and opening hours

Das Schindler

Maria-Theresien-Straße 31 , 6020 Innsbruck

+43 512 / 56 69 69

[email protected]

Monday - Saturday:
8.00 am - 1.00 am

Learn more:

Another bright star on Innsbruck’s culinary sky is Das Schindler, a classy eatery which has successfully scored 1 toque and 12 points in the Gault Millau. Come here for stylish interior design and unique first floor views onto bustling Maria Theresien Street, as well as the mouth-watering menu featuring exquisite Austrian dishes with a refined touch - such as beef tartare topped with fried quail egg, crisp Wiener Schnitzel or linguine with black truffles.

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