Restaurant Burkia
Info and opening hours
Restaurant Burkia
Fürstenweg 172 , 6020 Innsbruck
Monday - Friday: 11.30 am - 9.30 pm
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"Dining with friends" is not merely a tagline for Christian and Jürgen Burkia. It's much more. It's a duty, a promise!
Always fresh, always tasty. The dishes at the Burkia allow you to indulge in everything Tyrol has to offer. The cuisine is down-to-earth and traditional in a way that you rarely experience anywhere else. Dependable suppliers have collaborated with the establishment for many years and this means you know where the products were sourced and that you can count on the quality.
Thanks to certified sommelier Christian Burkia, guests even have a wine connoisseur on hand. Christian is responsible for the exceptional wine list and the service team. It therefore comes as no surprise that not every wine makes it onto the list and that the selection is truly exquisite. A unique range of wines served by the glass are also available so you don’t always have to opt for a whole bottle.