Innsbruck Region


Museums and galleries

 > Local Railway Museum

Local Railway Museum

Tiroler MuseumsBahnen
Pater Reinisch Weg 4, 6020  Innsbruck
+43 664 / 11 16 001
[email protected]

Opening Hours

Open from 1 May to 31 October 2024
Saturday: 9.00 am - 5.00 pm

The Local Railway Museum run by the Tiroler MuseumsBahnen can be found in the old "Stubaitalbahnhof" railway station in Innsbruck/Wilten (opposite the basilica). Three exhibition rooms show the history of all "Lokalbahn" local rail services in Tyrol, South Tyrol and Trentino.
The former carriage house for the Stubaital rail service is now home to the Tiroler MuseumsBahnen's vehicle collection. There you'll find around 25 vehicles that show the development from steam tramway carriages to high-capacity railcars.

The Museum Line

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