Innsbruck Region


Classifications of Hiking Routes

Just so you know what to expect

Our classifications will tell you how difficult or easy each of our hiking routes are, using different colours to denote different levels of difficulty. All of our routes are coloured differently in our online map. Blue means easy, red intermediate, and black stands for difficult tours. Signs along each route are also colour-coded, with red again meaning intermediate and black denoting difficult hikes which are only recommended for experienced hikers with a head for heights.

It's always best to only choose tours with which you and your companions are comfortable, as there are numerous risks in the Alps which should never be underestimated. Choosing the perfect level of difficulty for your hike will ensure many beautiful memories.  

Features of Routes Marked Red:

  • Short secured sections (e.g. with safety ropes) 
  • Short, exposed areas 
  • Short, secured sections (e.g., with safety ropes) 


Features of Routes Marked Black:

  • Narrow and often steep routes 
  • Many secured (e.g. with safety ropes) and exposed sections 
  • May include simple climbing sections that require the use of hands 
  • Sure-footedness and a head for heights required 

The Austrian Alpine Club uses the following criteria to classify routes

  • Trail width, gradient ratios, danger of falls 
  • Predominance of safety ropes 
  • Necessity of use of hands 
  • Predominance and difficulty of climbing sections 
  • Demands on coordinative skills (difficulty level of each route) 

Route lengths and typical risks that are common in the alpine region are not relevant to the classification system. These typical risks could include rock falls, avalanches and altitude differences. The required equipment is the responsibility of the hiker and is also not included in the classifications.  

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