Innsbruck Region


 > Alpin Skischule Patscherkofel - skischool

Alpin Skischule Patscherkofel - skischool

Info and opening hours

Alpin Ski- & Snowboardschule Patscherkofel

Römerstraße 81 - Talstation Patscherkofelbahn , 6080 Igls

+43 512 / 31 93 61

+43 699 / 19 08 03 19

[email protected]

December - end of March

Learn more:

"Everything from a single source and on-site" Winter sports professional

The Alpin Ski School is located at the foot of Patscherkofel, Innsbruck's local mountain, and is dedicated to all facets of winter sports.
The snow professionals provide ski courses for children and adults, private lessons and a compatible outdoor programme.
A full-service provider at the bottom station of the Patscherkofelbahn lift known for professional advice, personal support and a genuine passion for skiing with others.

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