White water rafting
Info and opening hours
Kajakschule Source To Sea
Natterer See 1 , 6161 Natters
Booking required the previous day.
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Bored by dreary sightseeing trips? Do you want to experience Innsbruck from a totally different perspective? Or are you just looking for some refreshment? We are offering all of this: experience Innsbruck on the water! SOURCE TO SEA is now offering guided sightseeing trips on the Inn River - right in the city of Innsbruck. The river Inn not only gave Innsbruck its name, it also provides the best possible route for a very special kind of sightseeing trip: we are paddling right through the city centre, float along riverbank beaches and historic sites - all among the backdrop of the breathtaking mountain scenery. The City Rafting Trip offers a panoramic views and a totally new perspective on the city and the surrounding mountains - no matter if you are in Innsbruck for the first time or if you want to rediscover the city. On the trip you are accompanied by experienced Rafting Guides that not only ensure a safe trip but will of course also entertain you with interesting facts about the city. If you want to un-wind and on a relaxed trip through the city or some splashy water fun is totally up to you. The tour is suited to everyone, every age and every occasion and ideal also for everyone who wants to try out rafting for the first time. Of course we provide all of the needed Rafting gear and safety equipment - all you have to do is to hop on the boat! River: Inn White-water category: I-II (out of VI) Trip length: 14 km Rafts: for up to 10 people / single person’s bookings possible! Duration: 3 hours total, 1,5 hour on the river Requirements: ability to swim, suitable for all ages and fitness levels Transfer: independently with public transport Trips: 3x daily May - October (depending on bookings) Equipment all gear included.