Info and opening hours
Maria-Theresien-Straße 18 , 6020 Innsbruck
Shops: Monday - Friday: 9.00 am - 7.00 pm Saturday: 9.00 am - 6.00 pm Food, bars, restaurants: for the individual opening times please check the single shops.
Learn more:
A shopping and administrative centre in one: two worlds converge in the Rathausgalerien on Maria Theresien Street. The centre successfully combines a town hall and shopping centre to create a place of function and well-being. French star architect Dominique Perrault revitalised the appearance of the shopping centre with high glass ceilings and a glass tower.
The result is light-filled hallways and wonderful views – also overhead. Several cafés and restaurants offer the perfect place for a drink or relaxed lunch. Numerous shops offer a wide variety of products from fashion, home accessories and perfume to outdoor equipment. Plus the shopping centre is wheelchair accessible and located in the heart of Innsbruck’s city centre.
The shopping centre is also a shortcut to Anichstrasse and Adolf-Pichler-Platz, where even more charming bars, restaurants and shops await.