If you’re going to visit Austria, there is a long list of things that NEED to be experienced. Top of my personal list is the food! One of the best things to try on the Austrian menu is Knödel. Now, I have a problem with the translation of Knödel. Translated into English it is dumpling, but… as an American when I think of a dumpling, I either think of an asian buffet or dumplings and gravy, neither of which come close to describing a real Austrian Knödel. Therefore, for the purposes of this blog and all the clarity I am striving for, I will not call them dumplings, they are Knödel, accept no substitute!
At their core, Knödel are simple yet versatile, made from simple ingredients. These hearty delights have been a staple in Alpine households for centuries, offering endless variations for every palate. Most commonly there is the Speckknödel with bacon bits, Spinatknödel, green because of the ample spinach and delicious cheese. My personal favorite Kaspressknödel the most perfectly pan fried, golden brown, cheesy Knödel. They can also be sweet and served as a dessert, there are fruit Knödel usually with apricot or plum. You can’t fully experience Austrian cuisine without trying a Knödel! A main dish, a side dish, a dessert. Knödel are universal! Some of the best Knödel joints are classic, traditional Austrian ‘Gasthäuser’ so here we go, my top picks!