Innsbruck Region


 > Skibus free of charge Patsch & Ellbögen

Skibus free of charge Patsch & Ellbögen

Info and opening hours

Tourismus Information Igls

Hilberstraße 15 , 6080 Igls

+43 512 / 53 56 - 6080

[email protected]

Learn more:

daily shuttle to Patscherkofel skiing area
departing from your hotel in Patsch and Ellbögen
free for guests with Welcome Card

Patsch 9.05 am
Ellbögen 8.55 am

Patscherkofel Valley Station 4.30 pm

Registration by 6.00 pm the day before in your accommodation or directly with Klaus Ribis (Tel +43 664 / 24 35 365) !

Also visit "Skibus Timetable" Tuesdays and Wednesdays to the Schlick 2000 and to the Stubaier Glacier!

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